# Tutorial
# Start a simple demo
Zerker is great for making some action-packed effects, such as awesome animations, love animations, pop-up animations or meteor shower backgrounds.
# Start example
The specific effect is as follows

Detailed code please check https://github.com/flutterkit/zerker/tree/master/example (opens new window)
# 1. The first step is to create a zerker widget.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Zerker(app: MyZKApp(), clip: true, interactive: true, width: 350, height: 350),
# 2. Inherited from ZKApp.
class MyZKApp extends ZKApp {
# 3. Preload assets in the init function
init() {
stage.color = Colors.blueGrey;
Map<String, dynamic> urls = {
"boy": {"json": "assets/boy.json", "image": "assets/boy.png"},
"bg": "assets/bg.png",
// preload all assets
urls: urls,
onProgress: (scale) {
print("Assets loading ${scale * 100}%");
onLoad: () {
_loaded = true;
print("Assets load Complete");
# 4. Create various elements
Note: To create a sprite animated material map, please see https://flutterkit.github.io/zerkerdocs/guide/animation.html#sequence-frame-animation (opens new window)
// add title
title = ZKText()
..position.x = appWidth / 2
..position.y = 20
..text = "Please click anywhere"
color: Colors.blueGrey,
backgroundColor: Colors.greenAccent,
textAlign: TextAlign.center);
// add boy
boy = ZKSprite(key: "boy")
..anchor.y = 1
..position.x = size.width / 2
..position.y = appHeight - 16
..animator.make("run", ["Run ({1-15}).png"])
..animator.make("jump", ["Jump ({1-15}).png"])
..animator.make("dead", ["Dead ({1-15}).png"])
..animator.play("run", 25, true);

# 5. Add an interactive event
_addAction() {
boy.onTapDown = (event) {
_jumping = false;
boy.animator.play("dead", 20);
stage.onTapDown = (event) {
if (event.target == boy) return;
if (_jumping) return;
_jumping = true;
boy.animator.play("jump", 20);
.to({"y": appHeight - 120}, 500)
.chain(ZKTween(boy).to({"y": appHeight - 16}, 500).easing(Ease.circ.easeIn).onComplete((obj) {
boy.animator.play("run", 25, true);
_jumping = false;
# 6. You're done
You're done
# Make a simple game
In this example we will learn how to make a simple game. The zerker is great for small game development and you will find it really that simple.
# Notice: Recent improvements in content...

# More examples
More zerker examples you can view here https://github.com/flutterkit/zerker-samples (opens new window)

If you are interested in zerker then you are welcome to provide a better example for me.