# Others

# Components communication

You can use ZKBus to implement component communication for any Zerker component.

ZKButton btn = ZKButton("assets/btn.png");
btn.onTap = (){
	ZKBus.emit("SHOW", 300);

/// other scene
ZKBus.on("SHOW", (posx){
	ZKTween(node).to({"x": posx}).start();

Use it to even communicate between flutter native widgets and zerker elements.

body: Center(
	child: Column(
 		mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
 		children: <Widget>[
 				onPressed: () {
           		child: const Text('click', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20)),


/// In Zerker App
ZKBus.on("ADD_NEW_CIRCLE", (){
	ZKCircle circle = ZKCircle()
		..setPosition(x, y)


Remember, the event listener is also destroyed when dispose the zerker app.

  void dispose() {


# Preload and Assets management

Regarding assets, I recommend you read this article. https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/assets-and-images (opens new window)

# Note: Preloading in zerker is not required. Of course, if you want to do this, you can use the following method.

Map urls = {
  "dot": "assets/dot.png",
  "json": "assets/data.json",
  "cloud": "assets/cloud.png",
  "enemy": {"json": "assets/altas1.json", "image": "assets/altas1.png"},
  "jump": {"image": "assets/jumpsheet.png", "width": 32, "height": 32},

var onProgress = (scale){
  print("Current loading progress $scale");
  progressLine.scaleX = 10 * scale;

ZKAssets.preload(urls:urls , parallel:6, onLoad: onLoad, onProgress: onProgress);


/// use Assets
ZKImage dot = ZKImage(key: "dot");
ZKSprite enemy = ZKSprite(key: "enemy");
var json = ZKAssets.getAsset("json");

Of course you can also use the method of instant loading.

ZKSprite enemy = ZKSprite("json": "assets/altas1.json", "image": "assets/altas1.png");
enemy.onLoad = ...

ZKSprite abc = ZKSprite(image: "assets/abc.png");
abc.onLoad = ...

# How to add interaction

Adding interactions in zerker is easy.

Currently supported events are onTapDown onTapUp, please let me know if you need other events, maybe they will join them later.

    1. Open the global interactive switch
  app: MyZKApp()
  interactive : true
    1. Add click events to specific elements
sprite = ZKSprite(key: "boy")
  ..onTapDown = (event) {
    1. If you want to add a global click, add it on the stage.
stage.onTapDown = (event) {
  print("stage click");
    1. Sometimes to save performance and improve performance, we also turn off the switch in the scene that does not require interactive elements.
node.interactive = false;
rect.interactive = false;
circle.interactive = false;

# Some random functions

# random color

/// use app getRandomColor method
ZKRect rect = ZKRect(10, 10, getRandomColor());

# random position in zkapp size

/// use app getRandomPosition method
var pos = getRandomPosition();
node.x = pos.x;
node.y = pos.y;

# get a random number

/// use app getRandomA2B method
double r = getRandomA2B(0, 100);
node.x = r;
node.y = r;

# Set size and full screen

return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
      title: Text(widget.title),
    body: Center(
      	child: Container(
    	color: Colors.amber[600],
        width: 350.0,
        height: 350.0,
        child: Zerker(app: MyZKApp()),

Setting up full screen is easy, you can refer to this article. http://developine.com/flutter-full-screen-splash-screen-tutorial/ (opens new window)